What's exciting about today? Well yes there's Easter and bunnies and plenty of chocolate but also the long awaited season 3 of Game of Thrones!! I for one am a huge fan of this show, the story, the script and the character development are just brilliant - and then there's all amazing work by the makeup and art departments. The White Walker makeups are especially fantastic - when I first saw them I was convinced it was CGI so was absolutely overjoyed when I discovered that it's actually the amazing work of the prosthetics team. To celebrate the release of season 3 I decided to spend some time playing with my paints and emulating the King(?) Walker using brush and sponge. I had an old white wig lying around with a knotted lace front that I made waaaaay back in my first year of uni - so whacked that on and used some cotton wool for the beard. As I didn't have contact lenses I used my limited photoshop skills to borrow the real Walkers eyes and the background. Hope he doesn't come and get me....
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May 2020